How to Kill Cattails in a Pond Using Natural Ways


Do you have a beautiful pond that is affected by cattails and you are searching the ways of how to kill cattails in a pond? Then this article is an appropriate destination for you. The unwanted growth of cattails is a problem for many people. Although some people like to grow this aquatic plant in … Read more

How To Reseal An Aquarium In The Most Effective Way


You come back home and find your aquarium leaking? If you are considering buying a used aquarium because a new one might be pricey, resist! This article will guide you on fixing the aquarium leakage that too cheap! Leaking aquariums are an absolute mess, especially if your tank is a big one. Time to reseal it. … Read more

Find Out What is Dropsy in Fish?


When you get an aquarium and fish home, you also bring along a lot of responsibilities. They require your love, care, and cleanliness. To make sure that your fish are living healthy and are having a happy time, there’s a lot to take care of their health and their living environment. Well, looking onto that … Read more

How To Make Aquarium Decorations Safe In Easy Steps


The space in your room that mostly remained empty now has a cute water tank where you have placed your new pet fish. If you are looking at different ways to decorate it, then it’s the right time to get started! Clearly, people love having aquariums at their places. It adds to the beauty of the … Read more

An Ultimate Guide on How to Clean Aquarium Sand


Do you have a fish tank at home? What worries you more, getting it home or the stress of how to clean aquarium sand efficiently and quickly? Well, there’s a lot to take care of when you get a fish aquarium, and they also require your attention and your proper care. Speaking of which also … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Snails In An Aquarium


Some guests are good unwelcomed. Snails are one of those unwelcome inhabitants that you wouldn’t want in your fish aquarium. These sneaky inhabitants come through live plants, But then how to get rid of snails in an aquarium? Quick Navigation From where Do Snails Come in Your Aquarium and Why They Are a Nuisance?Did You … Read more

How To Set Up An Aquarium Sump


Water is a crucial element in an aquarium and so is its maintenance. While having an aquarium at home, it’s likely that the water will get dirty. Hence, we introduce a water filter or a sump in the aquarium. An aquarium sump is a piece of equipment attached to the open system aquarium to collect excess … Read more

How To Soften Aquarium Water Without Harming Your Fish


Do you have an idea of the dissolved minerals present in your water? Neither did I when I got my first fish tank. Luckily experiences, both good and bad ones have taught me a lot. So, are you dealing with hard water issues and not sure how to soften aquarium water? Check out this article … Read more

How To Remove Silica From Aquarium Water | Factors And Preventions


To own an aquarium is the best thing to do for a home. Aquarium not only increases the show of the house but also provides huge health benefits to a person. It is well known for reducing stress, blood pressure, and helps you provide a good sleep at night. And it’s no mystery, that the … Read more