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The space in your room that mostly remained empty now has a cute water tank where you have placed your new pet fish. If you are looking at different ways to decorate it, then it's the right time to get started!
Clearly, people love having aquariums at their places. It adds to the beauty of the surroundings and makes them happy to have little companions who they can pamper. Once you have assembled all the essential supplies of your aquarium. There are certain things you need to keep in mind while thinking of ideas on how to make aquarium decorations safe. You might feel a rush of excitement, which can lead to overcrowding of the aquarium and in turn, leave it looking shabby and unsafe for your water babies.There are a number of ways by which you can make your aquarium look attractive yet subtle. So, before you start, have a quick look at different ways to make aquarium decoration safe and bring it to life.

DIY Decorations for Aquarium
1. Rocks and Pebbles
Start with searching your backyard. You may find small rocks that can be put in the aquarium after thorough cleaning and scrubbing. Remember, do not overcrowd the tank with rocks and give your fish enough room to swim freely. Also, before putting new decorations in an aquarium you need to be sure on how to make decorations safe for aquarium.
2. Decorate with the Flair of Different Festivals
With Christmas around the corner, add some toys to make beautiful aquarium decoration that gives a Christmas-y feel to the tank. Snowflakes, reindeers, gifts, and Santa could provide a warm company to your fish in this chilly weather! You can even use small Christman lights and decorate the tank from the outside or decorate its stand with the lights. The step that should be taken to help you determine how to make aquarium decorations safe shouldn't limit you from decorating it on the outside. With different festivals, you can use various cool fish tank decoration ideas and incorporate them together. Only to make your place look super cozy when you have guests over for celebrations.
3. Legos
If you have enough space in your tank you can be as creative as you want to be. Legos can be used to create a totally different underwater environment since they are non-toxic and can be a very easy solution to your problem. There can be a small house or even a teeny tiny vehicle to make the tank look captivating. You can even buy different celebrity lego characters and place them inside the tank. Hey! No one would mind an underwater FRIENDS Reunion! Just don’t hinder the movement of the fish by going overboard.
4. China Mugs or Tea Pots/Cups
If you have tea-sets or mugs that you don’t use anymore, you can put them under the water provided that the fish-tank has ample space. These items to be used as aquarium decorations may vary from small kettles, mugs or saucers as well. It is one of the most fish-friendly objects you can use to decorate your aquarium in a safe manner.
5. Toys
You might still have a box full of small toys from your childhood, which can be used to decorate the aquarium safely. It's time for you to bring them to life finally! Put your tiny Batman under the water and see how he keeps peace in the territory. Remember, when it comes to creativity - Sky's the Limit!
6. Plants
You can add fake or real plants, both have their own benefits. The fake plants can give a natural look to the aquarium just like the real ones but will not be able to improve the water quality. Similarly, real plants may die soon, which might increase the level of nitrogen and in turn change the dynamics of a safe aquarium. Therefore, make sure to keep a check on the real plants on a regular basis if you put any.
7. Doodle Your Heart Out
Your creativity should not stay limited inside the box (fish tank in this case). Grab some markers with bold tips and doodle on the glass surface. The best part about this step is that it’s super easy to make and super easy to clean, just grab a cotton cloth and a glass cleaner and you are done. Also, it is very safe for your fish.
8. Posters
You can stick a poster, which needs to be laminated first, on the back of the fish tank. Give your fish a feeling that it is under the stars or maybe on the beach. You can also paste small laminated cutouts of the cartoon in the background which will make it look funny and highly minimalistic.
Did You Know?
Fish use plants for comfort, food, and safety.
How to Make Sure that these Decorations are Safe?
Once you are all set to show off your creativity you might want to check if these decorations are safe or not. You may not even be aware of the adverse effect of these items. Therefore, here are certain tips for you, just to be sure.
- If you have a small tank, do not try to put everything in, all at once. You may try different ideas at different times. This will help you keep it decorated throughout the year! Try to keep the decoration as minimal as possible to give your fish an appropriate space to swim.
- Be aware of the material used in the decoration. Material that may be harmful for your fish should be checked off immediately. This is an important step in checking on how to make aquarium decorations safe. Also, it is crucial to wash everything once you go about cleaning your tank. You may not notice initially but the nooks and corners may be covered with algae, you need to make sure to check for it every once in a while.
- If you see any object losing its color, get it out of the tank immediately. It may have a harmful effect on the overall tank environment and may prove fatal for the fish. The material covered with paint that might chip off does not go in the aquarium. Ways which will help you learn about how to make aquarium decorations safe comes with a little bit of practice. You may not find the matra quickly but you will find it eventually.
- Leave some space, say, a few centimeters from the top so that your fish can have enough space to jump.
Did You Know?
Betta fish can jump up to 2-3 inches from the surface of the water.
- If you want to glue the stones and pebbles at the bottom use aquarium sealant as other glues may release chemicals that are harmful to the fish.
- Do not use any wooden material lying around at your place. It can completely mess up the pH of the water as it releases tannin. Instead, look out for logs made up of plastic which will be easily available in toy shops.

Tips to Clean your Fish tank
Keeping an aquarium at home comes with a lot of responsibility. You cannot just buy it and not take proper care. If you are not careful enough you might cause trouble for the fish living inside the tank.
The first step is to monitor the pH regularly and look for spots that may be an indication to an algae build-up.
Before cleaning the aquarium you need to shift your fish carefully in a bowl that must contain original tank water. Remove all the decoration one you have turned off heaters, pumps, and the filter. Using a gravel cleaner that can easily be bought from a local pet store or even online, remove one-third of the water and clean the gravel afterward. Also, a basic step to provide a healthy environment for the organisms living inside is to clean the decorations thoroughly once you are ready to put them back inside the tank. It is advised to replace old water with new water before fixing it back together.NICREW Automatic Gravel Cleaner could be of help. Check it out!

Tips to Clean the Decorations
One of the most important steps, in order to make aquarium decorations safe, is by cleaning them on a regular basis. You may buy some tools and brushes with soft bristles to clean them so that the unwanted buildup gets cleaned easily.
Video Introduction
Buying an aquarium is easy enough but making sure it gets proper care and attention may sometimes seem like a task. The condition of the aquarium determines how long your pet fish is going to survive. To see your aquarium in a well-maintained position, you need to keep the pointers mentioned above about safe aquarium decorations in mind. Along with a monthly inspection of the aquarium, which can be easily performed by you.
Remember, all living beings require a safe environment to live in. You need to make sure you provide optimum care to your pet fish so that they thrive and are happy being a part of your family!
Top Editor's Choice on Aquarium Decorations
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