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Wondering how to kill mosquitoes in pond? We have you covered! It may seem harmless due to its size but a single bite of a mosquito can lead to various deadly diseases including dengue, malaria, and zika. These annoying insects rest in tall grasses, weeds, and bushes and fleet towards buildings and houses to feed themselves. Mosquitoes breed in fresh stagnant, standing water often found outside homes and buildings - in containers, ponds, buckets or cans.
Even though most male and female mosquitoes feed on plant juices and nectar, some species have a developed mouthpart for the female mosquitoes. They suck the blood of the hosts by piercing through Proboscis - a long tube to locate a capillary and then draw blood from another tube and are a well-known disease carrier.
Did You Know?
A female mosquito can drink blood up to three times its weight!
If you have a pond at your home, you might have seen many mosquitoes flying above it in large groups. They have probably gathered to breed and lay eggs in the water. Read this article to know how to kill mosquitoes in pond.
Why Are There Mosquitoes in Your Pond?

As mentioned earlier mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Larvae need water to develop into full-grown mosquitoes. They are highly adaptive and can easily germinate even in the sparse amount of standing water. Therefore, if you are wondering why there are mosquito larvae in your pond, you finally have an answer! Killing larvae in a pond is undoubtedly one of the foolproof ways of getting rid of this nuisance once and for all.
Some other factors may also induce the growth of mosquitoes in your pond. They are as under:- If you have a pond that doesn’t have any fish in it, it is likely to become a breeding ground and soon get filled with larvae. Consider adding fish that feeds on mosquitoes like Gambusia affinis. These are aggressive and begin attacking even when the larvae are a couple of hours old.
- If your pond has bushy vegetation, it may attract the mosquitoes and turn into their habitat. This can lead them to lay eggs on the surface of the water and create unwanted problems for you and your family.
Did You Know?
Mosquitoes have been around since the Jurassic period.
Effective Ways to Kill Mosquitoes
If your pond has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes you may want to experiment with different methods. Although it may seem like a tough job to do, getting rid of this nuisance is quite easy. So, let’s have a look at how to kill mosquitoes in pond water and make sure you never encounter them again!
1. Create Movement in the Water

Female mosquitoes look for stagnant water with algae and bacteria to lay the eggs. The larvae survive in such an environment rich with nutrients until they turn into a full-grown mosquito and the cycle continues until you intervene.
To stop this cycle introduce water movement to your pond with the help of pumps or aerators. Not only these will create movement but also add oxygen to your pond.
Another effective way to create movement and keep mosquitoes away is to add decorative pond spitters which not only add beauty to your pond but create movement as well.
2. Add Mosquito Dunks to Your Pond
Mosquito Dunks can kill the larvae when it is still in the feeding stage and is considered as one of the most organic ways to get rid of mosquitoes. You just have to drop one dunk into the pond and leave everything else to it. These dunks contain a bacteria that is harmful to the larvae and starts to work within an hour. One dunk can last up to thirty daysDid You Know?
The two main mosquito predators are fish and dragonflies.
3. Garlic Juice
Garlic not only keeps mosquitoes away but also suffocates the larvae and kills them. In fact, if you consume garlic regularly they might avoid feasting on you!
Crush three to five garlic bulb and squeeze the juice in a container. Mix it well with a gallon of water and then pour this solution onto the surface of the pond infested with larvae.4. Bleach
This method should not be applied if you have fish in your pond since it may prove fatal for them and also to the vegetation in your pond. However, if you do not have any fish in the pond add an appropriate number of bleach tablets into the water. As the tablets dissolve, they will kill the larvae and get rid of the nuisance.
You can also use liquid bleach to get rid of the larvae in your pond. Add a considerable amount of bleach in water and mix it well to make a solution and spray it on the surface infested with mosquitoes.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another effective remedy is Apple Cider Vinegar which can easily be found in your kitchen. It eliminates the growth of larvae which ultimately leads to death. It can also be used as a mosquito repellant and should be used more than necessary since they are economically safe.
Mix one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to a gallon of water and then spray over the water surface that has been affected by the larvae. To save time you can directly add the mixture to the pond water.6. Oil
A light coating of oil on the surface of water suffocates the larvae and kills them quickly. You can use olive or vegetable oil for this purpose. Add one teaspoon of oil into one gallon of water and pour it into the pond. Make sure this method is used only if there is no fish in the pond.7. Mosquito Bits
These are just like mosquito dunks but smaller in size. They help to treat a small area of standing water and can be added to the water in the same way dunks are added. Replace them after every thirty days to get a mosquito-free pond.
8. Prevent Algae Buildup
Mosquito larvae majorly survive with the help of algae. Remove it manually or place barley straw in the pond. Since it is non-toxic to aquatic life, barley straw can be brought from a local nursery and installed near the pond.
Ensure you have a pond filter that filters the water of the pond from time to time and prevent algae from growing back.9. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a completely natural, environment-friendly way to kill mosquito larvae. Add 15% Cinnamon oil to 85% standing, clean pond water. Cinnamon oil has a chemical known as cinnamaldehyde which does all the work. You can also add a very tiny amount of oil to your lotion and apply it to your body to repel mosquitoes.
How to Prevent the Breeding of Mosquitoes in Your Pond
Once you have learned how to kill mosquitoes in pond, you sure don’t want to face this situation ever again. Let’s check out various ways you can prevent them from breeding in the pond.1. Reduce Vegetation
To eliminate the risk of mosquitoes hiding in pond, reduce vegetatioHerbiciden in and around your pond such as weeds and lily pads. Use aquatic herbicide to get rid of the weed if you are not able to remove it manually.
Pro Tip
Dump standing water out of all water-accumulating items when it stops raining. Spray the area with a bleach or cinnamon oil mix.
2. Add Larvae Eating Fish To Your Pond

3. Movement and Aeration
Mosquitoes love to breed in standing water. Make sure you add pumps and spitter to induce movement that in turn prevents them from making your pond their breeding ground. Also, consider adding fish, specifically the ones which feed on larvae, to induce movement of the water.4. Grow Mosquito Repelling Plants Around Your Pool
Plants such as Basil, Catnip, and Lavender repel mosquitoes. Not only they will add to the beauty of your garden but will prevent mosquitoes to breed in or around your pond as well. Get these plants from a local nursery and avoid mosquito invasion.Video Introduction
Its Time You Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes!
The best way to deal with mosquito larvae is to avoid them in the first place. To do so, remove stagnant water from buckets, containers, plastic bags or tire lying around your property. Examine your surroundings for potential breeding spots of this insect and save yourself from all the trouble and diseases.
If you have a garden pond that may be infested with mosquitoes then it can easily become their favorite spot to continue the cycle. The above-mentioned home remedies and products can be used to get rid of them effectively and help you create a safe and happy environment for your family.Top Editor's Choice on Kill Pond Mosquitoes
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